Guestbook - Post Your Message Here


Guestbook Entries 1112


Date: 05/01/2025
Name: test
Location: test
Message: test


Date: 23/12/2024
Name: Brian Farrell
Location: test
Message: test


Date: 24/03/2016
Name: Oliver
Location: France
Message: Already 10 years you've gone. Sadly missed

RIP Richard "peoples champion"


Date: 06/02/2016
Name: Jason Mc Cann
Location: Ashbourne Meath
Message: Hey cous Just watched your film and I'm sitting back reflecting on the days in the paddock. You really were the common bond among the paddock. Miss you. I'm sure your smiling above.

True legend


Date: 03/02/2016
Name: michael qualter
Location: galway ireland
Message: Great memories of watching Richard on the bbc when i was younger , seriousy talented on a bike . Great to see his bikes on display at the Tandragee 2015 . I dont think there are speed limits or cameres in Heaven , keep er lit Richard :) !


Date: 11/12/2015
Name: gareth
Location: bangor co down
Message: Thought of The Hulk tonight will never forget him nor Martin Finnegan thoughts with Loris and and family at xmas xxxx


Date: 08/12/2015
Name: menang BERSAMA
Location: Indonesia
Message: It's a good site and more excellent


Date: 30/09/2015
Name: Phil
Location: Lancashire
Message: 10 years ago, how time has flown.

Keep 'er lit #8


Date: 09/04/2015
Name: Jamie Coady
Location: Mullinavat, Co. Kilkenny
Message: Always smiling even when he shouldn't have been.
A great Ambassador for the sport in general, truly missed on a daily basis.


Date: 12/03/2015
Name: timmy loughnane
Location: ireland
Message: a true gentleman rip


Date: 13/01/2015
Name: john storey
Location: Haslingden/Lancashire
Message: always a gentleman always gave road racing everything,never received what he should have from racing/ will never be forgotten by this person.


Date: 27/12/2014
Name: A M T
Message: never forgotten richard still watch the dvds with you in gunning around the IOM true legend true gentleman


Date: 24/05/2014
Name: chris green
Location: liverpool
Message: Great rider, Great guy, never forgotten.


Date: 19/02/2014
Name: rachel maguire
Location: enniskillen
Message: mum says 'you could always smell the beacon from belfast airport even thought we were on the island before you haha'
miss you uncle reggie


Date: 18/09/2013
Name: Nodster
Message: 8 years and still missed big time - The Peoples Champion


Date: 23/06/2013
Name: Andy cooke
Location: Now irvinestown
Message: Was meant 2 read a true gent + 2 the crowds. That loved him damm this predictive text. RIP #8.


Date: 23/06/2013
Name: Andy cooke
Location: Now irvinestown
Message: And true gent and competitor never blamed his machinery, weather conditions or other people 4 his results THIS IS WHAT MADE HIM THE PEOPLES CHAMPION!!!! I knew Richard most of my life + looked up 2him as a true road racer loved watching him at cookstown 100 (first race of season in ireland) all these years on + I still miss that smile, smart comment, and most of all the green en white helmet coming round da last corner 4 another lap 2 the glory of the course that loved him soooo much!!! God speed bud + in his own words 'KEEP ER,LIT' RIP HERO!!!!!


Date: 20/05/2013
Name: andrew green
Location: UK
Message: Never forgotten Richard - RIP.


Date: 18/02/2013
Name: maury
Location: italy
Message: thank you



Date: 18/11/2012
Name: Greg
Location: Donegal
Message: One of the worlds true gentlemen and a great sportsman still sadly missed god bless Richard


Date: 22/09/2012
Name: Margaret
Message: 7 years Richard and we still miss you and your smile!


Date: 22/09/2012
Name: Margaret and Noel


Date: 22/09/2012
Name: Athea Road Race Club
Location: Athea
Message: Thinking of you today - The peoples champion #8. Gone but not forgotten.


Date: 30/12/2010
Name: Gaz Morgan
Location: Bangor
Message: Never forgotten lost my mum two months ago aged 57 still numb Godspeed mate xx


Date: 19/12/2010
Name: mark hanna
Location: uk
Message: worked with the lovely man a few times and will never forget that smile RIP my friend


Date: 22/09/2010
Message: Richard,
I Miss yu soo much, cant believe 5 years has Passed, havent been back to Ireland, hope to go back next year to see the Family. Hope u are watching over us all.
Alway\'s in my thoughts
Aunt Jodie & family


Date: 22/09/2010
Location: Milton Keynes
Message: Happy Birthday Richard
5yrs gone but still fondly remembered
Keep er Lit on the black and outa the green #8


Date: 19/09/2010
Name: parkie bowes
Location: carlow
Message: Another year passed without our champ, rip mate. Sadly some more gone to keep you company this year.


Date: 18/09/2010
Name: Neil
Location: Bangor
Message: Sadly missed, fondly remembered.
"The People's Champion" #8
Keep 'er lit!!


Date: 18/09/2010
Name: maynard
Message: five yers have passed still still not the same mate allways thinking of you richard #8 godspeed


Date: 18/09/2010
Name: Margaret
Location: Strabane
Message: Another year Richard and still missed as much as ever.

Now another mate has gone to join you all. RIP Reggie #8


Date: 18/09/2010
Name: Aaran
Message: Greatly missed by all. #8 Simply The Best.


Date: 18/09/2010
Name: Noel and Margaret
Location: Enniskillen
Message: Another year has passed we think and talk about you often, our thoughts are with Maria, Loris, Mum and Dad,Aisling, Roisin, Nathan and all the family circle, GOD BLESS YOU RICHARD


Date: 17/09/2010
Name: Dave-R
Location: Offaly
Message: Thinking of the "Peoples Champion" today.

Keep 'er lit #8


Date: 17/09/2010
Name: Nod - 2 Strokers supporters club
Message: Five years tomorrow and we still fondly remember the Peoples Champion. Still sorly missed by his many fans and supporters Worldwide. Richard and #45 Martin - make room on the grid for Victor who sadly left us last week.
(thanks Brian for keeping this site open)


Date: 05/09/2010
Name: christopher johnson
Location: brighton
Message: What can you say, i still enjoy watching him over and over again, in my road racing reviews dvd, what a nice man.


Date: 20/04/2010
Name: mary murphy
Location: co kerry
Message: richard you and your friend dennis murphy were great racers YOU MAY BE GONE BUT NEVER EVER FORGOTTEN


Date: 12/02/2010
Name: Chloe
Location: Ballinamallard
Message: Richard I Remember When Daddy (David Faulkner) Used To Take Me Round The Padocks To See You At The NorthWest Because You Two Were Good Good Friends. I Used To Love Seeing You Race! It Brought Me Thrill, The Love Of Motobikes The Love Of Racing. I Also Remember When I Heard Of The Traqic News. I Was At My Aunts One Day And She Came Into My Room And Said You Had Died. I Was In Total Denial Richard I Really Was! I Cryed For Ages And Total Ages! The NorthWest Really Wasnt The Same WithOut You! Me And My Brother Walked Through The Padocks The Other Year We Were There And I Broke Down I Couldnt Stand The Fact That You Were Actually Gone! You Will Be Very Much Missed Richard.
I Love You Richard And So Do A Lot Of Other People.
I Will Never For Get You :)
RIP Sunshine
Chloe 15 Ballinamallard


Date: 03/12/2009
Name: Maciek Swiderr
Location: PL
Message: Allways will be missed...Keep 'er lit great man


Date: 22/09/2009
Name: maynard
Message: happy birthday for tomorrow big man

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